Contraindications for Permanent Makeup

  • Under 18
  • Diabetes type 1 (doctor's approval required if you are insulin resistant)
  • Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
  • Heart disease (requires doctor's approval)
  • Blood disorders (requires doctor's approval)
  • Epilepsy (requires doctor's approval)
  • Pregnant or Breast feeding
  • Taking blood thinners (doctor to approve coming off a few days before your procedure)
  • Taking ARV’s
  • Psoriasis
  • Allergic to Anaesthetic (e.g. Lidocaine)
  • Active Herpes outbreak (cold sore)
  • Auto immune disease (let your technician know about any)
  • Chemo therapy (6 months after)
  • Glaucoma (no eyeliner due to pressure during procedure)
  • Hepatitis (have or had in the past)
  • Moles, lesions, sores on the area to be treated (Moles on the area should be assessed and/or removed by your dermatologist, and fully healed before procedure)
  • Keloid or Hypertrophic scarring (a patch test is recommended 4 weeks before)


  • You should not take aspirin, ibuprofen or anti-inflammatories from 3 days before. Do not drink alcohol from the night before your procedure. No coffee, or exercise stimulants with caffeine (like BioPlus) on the morning of your procedure.
  • Retin A and Retinols should be stopped 7 days before, and should not be used for 3 weeks after procedures. Using these too soon can cause the pigment to fade.
  • You should stop taking all vitamin supplements at least 3 days before, and very important to stop taking any Omega 3 supplements, Vitamin E supplements 7 days before, as these thin the blood and can result in excessive bruising and pigment migration.
  • Don't plan a facial, peel with acids, fibroblast or microneedling within 7 days before your procedure, and 2 weeks after.

If you're unsure, it's best to consult your doctor for approval well before the time.


Opening Hours

Book your appointment in advance so you’re prepared for aftercare and any downtime.

Monday to Friday 8:30am - 17:00pm
Saturdays 9:00am - 13-:00pm

Whatsapp: +27710922468

Central Square Sandton - Level G
5 Lower Road
Morningside 2196