Tattoo Removal Prices Per Session
Tattoo removal takes minimum 1 to 3 sessions to remove, or to lighten significantly if you’re planning a cover up tattoo. 6 weeks between sessions.
You will in all likelihood need a 2nd and 3rd session to remove remaining ink, and perhaps further sessions for deeply pigmented areas.
- Consultation & Patch Test R350
- 1 x 1 cm R450 e.g. one finger, teardrop, pmu mole
R350 per additional session - 5 x 2 cm (10cm square) R750 e.g. small tattoo on 10 fingers
R500 per additional session - 5 x 4 cm (10cm square) R850 e.g. small tattoos, unwanted parts
R600 per additional session - 6 x 5cm (30cm square) R1100 e.g.medium tattoo, unwanted parts
R700 per additional session - 10 x 4 cm (40cm square) R1400 e.g. arms, chest, back
R800 per additional session - 10 x 5 cm (50cm square) R1800
R950 per additional session - 12 x 5 cm (60cm square)R2200
R950 per additional session
Scarring, hyper-pigmentation and hypo-pigmentatio after removal is a definite risk. The nature and extent of which will depend on a number of possible factors, including the ink used, depth of ink, and technique used in the original tattoo, your skin type, tone and healing ability.
Aftercare plays a vital role in healing and minimizing the risk of infection and scarring.
We provide you with necessary aftercare products, and clear instructions, to ensure fast healthy healing.
Tattoo Removal Patch Test
If you have any concerns about how you may heal, hyper-pigment or hypo-pigment, then please arrange a patch test.
- Removal Patch Test - R350 to be arranged 8 weeks prior to the removal procedure
Opting for Tattoo Removal regardless of the method, is a huge decision to make. It's either live with the tattoo, or accept that you may be left with some reminder such as, hyperpigmentation (skin heals darker) or hypopigmentation (skin heals lighter) as a permanent reminder.
The re-pigmentation of the scar to your natural skin tone can take 12 months plus.
Your end result cannot be guaranteed, nor predicted, because skin types and skin healing after tattoo removal vary so vastly.
Some people scar lighter than their natural tone (Hypo-pigmentation), and others much darker (Hyper-pigmentation). If you’re prone to keloid scars, there is always a possibility you might keloid.
Our Picosecond Laser Machine is the gold standard in Tattoo Removal and removes most ink colours successfully.
Why Picosecond Laser Tattoo Removal?
Our latest model Picosecond Laser is the gold-standard in tattoo removal.
Can all colour inks be removed from my tattoo
The Picosecond can remove most colours successfully, and significantly lighten colours that previously could not be removed. Certain other laser machines can remove only black and dark blue inks.
How many sessions will I need?
There are a number of factors that determine how many sessions may be required. The size of the tattoo, type of ink used, how deep the ink has been implanted into the skin, how dense the ink is in places, large tattoos wil be removed in sections to ensure aftercare and healing is manageable, and to minimize risks of infection and scarring.
Will I see a change in my tattoo after the 1st treatment?
You will see the areas that respond well, after a full 6 weeks of skin healing, after the 1st treatment. It depends on your skin, the method and substance used to create the tattoo, and your aftercare. We can generally assess, after the 1st session, how many more sessions it may take to remove.
How soon can I have my 2nd treatment?
6 weeks from date of 1st treatment, which allows the skin to recover, and allows us to fully assess the remaining ink.
Can I remove just part of my tattoo?
We can focus on a specific section of your tattoo and remove or lighten if you intend a cover up.
Will I have a scar after my tattoo is removed?
When any scabbing has completely fallen off you may have some redness, or slightly be slightly inflamed. It may take 6 – 24 months for your skin to re-pigment itself.
It is imperative that you follow aftercare instructions carefully. By applying the provided aftercare products as instructed, your healing to normal skin will happen so much faster, and will ensure you are ready for a follow up session after 6 weeks.
Does laser tattoo removal hurt?
We topically anaesthetize your skin before the procedure. However, some people may remain a little sensitive in areas, and often where the ink is more saturated. Should you feel it in places, it’s like an elastic band flick onto the skin. If you managed the tattoo, you’ll manage removal.
Can laser remove permanent makeup?
Permanent makeup is applied very shallow into the skin, and yes, can be removed very successfully with our Picosecond Laser.
- 2 to 3 sessions may be required, with 6 weeks in between sessions.
- 6 weeks after your last session we can give you a new set of brows
We can remove parts of brows
- where the brow shape is not what you required
- brows that have been done too thick, too large
- brows where arches are too high
Can Laser correct permanent eyebrows?
We specialize in colour correcting eyebrows
- where the pigment is too dark or black
- brows that have faded to grey
- brows that have aged to blue or purple over time